

Ahoy, sailors! Prepare yourselves for a thrilling and unpredictable combat system on the vast ocean. Every battle is a new adventure, where strategy and luck intertwine to create unforgettable moments!

  • Attack: The striking power of your ship.

  • Defense: The ability to withstand enemy attacks.

  • Critical: The chance to unleash devastating blows!

  • Luck: The ability to penetrate enemy defenses and create surprises.

HP - The Lifeblood of Warships CopyHP = (Attack * 15 + Defense * 20.25 + Luck * 13.5 + Critical * 18)

Each stat point contributes to your ship's vitality. Consider carefully when upgrading to create the perfect fighting machine!

Damage: Formula for Destruction CopyDamage = Attack + Defense * 0.8 + Luck * random(0.85, 1.3)

The random factor from Luck will create surprising attacks. Never underestimate the power of fortune!

Critical Hits: Moments of Destiny Critical hit rate (R) and critical damage (CD) depend on the difference in Critical stats (C) between two ships:

If C ≤ 0: CopyR = 25%, CD = Damage * 1.5

If C > 0: CopyR = 0.0616 * ln(C) + 0.3000 CD = Damage * (0.1257 * ln(C) + 1.6667)

A critical hit can turn the tide of battle! Invest in Critical to increase your chances of creating glorious moments!

Armor-piercing Damage: The Power of Luck The Luck difference (T) between two ships determines armor-piercing damage:

If T ≤ 0: No armor-piercing damage If T > 0: Armor-piercing damage = Damage * 3% * T

Each point of Luck difference brings 3% armor-piercing damage. Don't underestimate the power of luck!

Final Damage: The Devastating Result

For critical hits: CopyFinal Damage = Critical Damage + Armor-piercing Damage

For normal hits: CopyFinal Damage = Damage + Armor-piercing Damage

Each battle is a unique story, where tactics, skills, and luck blend to create memorable moments. Experiment with different stat builds and find the combat style that suits you!

Last updated