
Plunge into Pirate Realm's thrilling PvP! Wager diamonds and PTR, battle foes, climb ELO rankings. Strategic betting, ship choices, and timing are key. Reap rich rewards, matey!

Pirate Realm PvP: Registration and Rules

1. Registration

  • Each PvP program lasts 7 days

  • Players must register to participate in attacks and be eligible for attacks

  • Registration fees per program:

    • Common: 2 $diamond

    • Uncommon: 4 $diamond

    • Rare: 7 $diamond

    • Epic: 12 $diamond

    • Legendary: 20 $diamond

  • Initial ELO rating: 1500

2. Gameplay Rules

  1. Matchmaking

    • Players can find 10 opponents within 100 ELO points of their rating

    • Matchmaking pool: 50 players with higher ELO, 50 with lower ELO

  2. Battles

    • Winners gain Diamonds and $PTR tokens

    • Losers lose ELO points and their wager

  3. Rewards

    • Based on the attacker's initial wager

    • Winner receives +80% of diamonds/PTR

    • Loser loses 100% of their wager

  4. Defense Mechanics

    • Defeated defenders get 5 hours of protection from attacks

    • Successful defenders don't receive protection

    • Defeated defenders can seek revenge on their attacker

  5. Turn System

    • Players start with 5 turns

    • 1 turn regenerates every 2 hours, up to a maximum of 10 turns

    • Players can purchase 10 additional turns daily for 10 diamonds

Betting Range

  1. Wager Limits

    • Default minimum: 3 diamonds (no maximum)

    • Default minimum: 100 PTR tokens (no maximum)

  2. Attack Process

    • Attackers see 10 potential targets

    • Visible info: Min/max wager, ship type, username (rank hidden)

    • Attacker sets wager and initiates attack

  3. Outcome Distribution

    • Winner receives 180% of diamonds and PTR tokens wagered

    • Loser forfeits entire wager

    • 20% of wager goes to team wallet

    • In case of a draw, each player receives 90% of their wager back

Last updated