Plunge into Pirate Realm's thrilling PvP! Wager diamonds and PTR, battle foes, climb ELO rankings. Strategic betting, ship choices, and timing are key. Reap rich rewards, matey!
Last updated
Plunge into Pirate Realm's thrilling PvP! Wager diamonds and PTR, battle foes, climb ELO rankings. Strategic betting, ship choices, and timing are key. Reap rich rewards, matey!
Last updated
Each PvP program lasts 14 days
Players must register to participate in attacks and be eligible for attacks
Registration fees per program:
Common: Free
Uncommon: Free
Rare: 2 $diamond
Epic: 4 $diamond
Legendary: 8 $diamond
Initial ELO rating: 1500
Players can find 10 opponents within 100 ELO points of their rating
Matchmaking pool: 50 players with higher ELO, 50 with lower ELO
NOTE THAT: You can only attack an opponent when your Max bet is equal to or higher than theirs 💥
Winners gain Diamonds and $PTR tokens
Losers lose ELO points and their wager
Based on the attacker's initial wager
Winner receives +80% of diamonds/PTR
Loser loses 100% of their wager
Defense Mechanics
Defeated defenders get 5 hours of protection from attacks
Successful defenders don't receive protection
Defeated defenders can seek revenge on their attacker
Turn System
Players start with 5 turns
1 turn regenerates every 2 hours, up to a maximum of 10 turns
Players can purchase 10 additional turns daily for 3 diamonds
Wager Limits
NOTE: Bet adjustments can only be made once every 24 hours ⚠️
Default minimum: 1 diamonds (maximum is 50 diamonds)
Default minimum: 100 PTR tokens (maximum is 20% total)
Attack Process
Attackers see 10 potential targets
Visible info: Min/max wager, ship type, username (rank hidden)
Attacker sets wager and initiates attack
Outcome Distribution
Winner receives 180% of diamonds and PTR tokens wagered
Loser forfeits entire wager
20% of wager goes to team wallet
In case of a draw, each player receives 90% of their wager back